Here are some thoughts and advice from NSGA Health and Wellness Director Andrew Walker:
A wise mentor and colleague from my ATT employee wellness experience regularly reminded me that one constant in life is change! COVID-19 is an example of rapid and challenging change, requiring us to harness our ability to manage change.
Interruption in our routines calls us to embrace change. We are empowered to make the needed modifications once we know what needs to change. For the common good, and for our own sake, we are asked to maintain a physical distance perimeter of six feet, limit the unconscious habit of face touching, and commit to washing hands for at least twenty seconds. In addition, social networks and exercise programs are disrupted. When taken together they represent a challenge, requiring change and creating stress. Yet, there are resources that we can call upon.
Managing change requires acceptance of what you cannot control, a review of your assets, and then acting on those things you can control. Reflect on this advice:
- Work to accept that change is required
- Give yourself time to change
- Make a list of things that you can control and things you can’t control
Asset Assessment
- Acknowledge that you survived previous changes
- Reflect on how you survived previous changes
- Review your strengths, resources, and support
Change What You Can Control
- Focus on the things you can control
- Work to let go of things you cannot control
- Reframe this moment as an opportunity to refine your mindset, try new workout routines and maintain social networks
We know from Senior Athlete Fitness Exam (SAFE) research that Senior Games participants are, as a whole, exceptionally healthy and fit. Your participation in The Games has demonstrated your grit and resilience. Life experience has sharpened your ability to accept what you cannot change. Your Games experience has affirmed your strength to change while opening space for greater serenity in hard times.
Keep the faith, taking care in mind, body and spirit.