James W. Cownie Soccer Park
2600 Hartford Ave, Des Moines, IA 50320

Transportation information for this venue will be updated in Spring 2025.


For detailed information please click here to visit

Compound Fingers, Compound Release, Barebow Compound, Recurve, Barebow Recurve

Archery Target Assignments &  Schedule - Coming Spring 2025


TBD - Report/Warmup Time

TBD - First Arrows Off

Updated information on practice availability will be available in Spring 2025.

  1. Competition will be two days. All archers will compete both days.
  2. The “900” American round will be used each day of competition.
  3. There will be five styles:
    1. Recurve – with sights
    2. Barebow Recurve – no sights
    3. Compound Fingers – with sights
    4. Barebow Compound – no sights
    5. Compound Release
  4. Competition will consist of 90 arrows shot as follows: 30 arrows from 60 yards; 30 arrows from 50 yards; and 30 arrows from 40 yards. Arrows will normally be shot in six arrow ends, but may be shot in three arrow ends when field and equipment conditions require more than four archers to be grouped on a target butt.
  5. Each end will consist of one set of six arrows with five minutes allowed for each end to be shot. When three arrow ends are necessary, each end will consist of one set of three arrows with 2-1/2 minutes allowed for each end to be shot. Shooters will rotate with target mates after each end.
  6. Awards will be presented for 1st through 8th place for each style within each age division.

Qualifying Rules

1. All first-, second-, third- and fourth-place winners or athletes meeting this sport’s NSGA – 900 round minimum performance standards in competition at a NSGA state qualifying games will qualify for the 2025 National Senior Games.

2. An archer may enter only the style in which he/she has qualified.

Entry Regulations

1. Archers may only compete in one style.

2. Archers must provide their own bows and target arrows.

Archery Rules

Click Here for the Official NSGA Rule Book 


Recurve archery events will be conducted in accordance with National Archery Association rules, except as modified herein. Compound archery styles will be conducted in accordance with National Field Archery Association rules, except as modified herein. For a copy of these rules, please write, email or call:

USA Archery
4065 Sinton Road, Suite 110
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
(719) 866-4576

National Field Archery Association
800 Archery Lane
Yankton, SD 57078
(605) 260-9279

Archers must supply their own bows and their own arrows.

Venue Spotlight

James W. Cownie Soccer Park

The Archery competition for the 2025 National Senior Games presented by Humana will take place at the James W. Cownie Soccer Park, located on the southeast side of Des Moines. The multi-purpose athletic park is equipped with 12 full-sized, natural grass soccer fields, two of which will be used for competition, totaling 40-50 targets. The facility also has a concession stand, restrooms, overhead lighting and ample free parking.

2025 National Senior Games Presented by Humana - July 24 - August 4, 2025 158 Days 13 Hours 53 Minutes 38 Seconds