Join us TODAY at 3 p.m. in Room 222 at the Broward County Convention Center for “Women Of The Games: A View of Title IX.”
The program will feature marathon legend and Senior Games athlete Kathrine Switzer sharing her experiences advocating for new sports for women in the modern Olympic movement. The conversation will reflect key Olympic values and explore the intersection of Title IX, civil and human rights. Nine pieces of visual art from the Al Oerter Foundation/ Art Of The Olympians will also be displayed.
Presenters include:
- Kathrine Switzer – Author/first official woman in the Boston Marathon/activist
- Madeline Murphy Rabb – Writer/athlete/art advocate
- Bruce Wigo – Historian, International Swimming Hall of Fame
- Erica I. González – Team ONIX Pickleball/Athlete
- Andrew Walker – NSGA Health and Well-being Director, Moderator