Association News
A Memorable Presentation in DC The Personal Best Tour made a splash at the opening ceremony of the DC State Senior Games, held at the historic and recently renovated Howard Theater on May 6. Sprinter Oscar Peyton, who ran his first ever track meet at age 49 and ten years later is near the top of all time record holders for his age class, was our Maryland honoree. 76 year old Jackie Stephens came in from Virginia to share how her lifelong dream to be part of a basketball team has been fulfilled. And the biggest splash for the DC crowd came from 94 year old swimmer John Tatum, who reminisced about his early days playing in the National Mall reflecting pool and then poignantly spoke about his recently departed brother and swimming partner Bradford and the need to carry on and keep fit. There were many emotional moments during our award presentation, but what emerged was collective joy, pride and an abundance of inspiration for everyone to be their personal best. Two television stations shared our message and several other print and online stories have appeared or will in the near future as a result of our visit. Read our blog and three amazing athlete profiles on the Personal Best web page, and then come back to read about two more tour events coming to South Carolina and Arizona during May, which is Older Americans Month.
May Athlete Profile Updates – What Motivates and Inspires Them Every month through July we will be adding more interview segments to the profiles of six of our featured athletes. May’s installments share their comments about motivation and inspiration, and we hope it motivates and inspires more people to get up and get active. That is the purpose of this initiative, so check it out and share it with others to help us get the message out. So bookmark and come back often where you will find something new and interesting on the Personal Best page! |
HUMANA Heroes: Athlete of the MonthTrying Something New
Marie Neaves of Townsend, Delaware may have a career working in a library, but she is no mere bookworm. Marie is not one to shirk a challenge, and she’s had her share. Trying something new got her involved in sports after she became a senior, and it’s been one thing after another ever since. The tragic loss of her husband to cancer in 2003, followed by her son being diagnosed with the disease nine months later (he has happily survived) was the biggest challenge of her life. “I started swimming in June of 2004 at the Dover YMCA to find some peace of mind. Life was very stressful at that time.” An ad in the Y newsletter for the Delaware Senior Olympics promising “Fun, Fellowship and Fitness” caught her attention. Once Marie got involved she was like a fish in water, progressing through state games to the National Senior Games Presented by Humana in 2005. Marie then captured a gold, silver and bronze medal – and an NSGA Top 5 record – at the 2009 games in Palo Alto. Her swimming travels have taken Marie to her native country for the Luxembourg Masters Open where she was cheered on by her siblings who still live there. “I also did a one mile ocean swim at the Grand Cayman Islands with three other DSO athletes,” she said. “My kids went from saying ‘Good for you’ to ‘What are you thinking?’ I just love new challenges.” Two years ago Marie needed a new challenge, so she added cycling to her sporting life, and within a short time Paul Gatti, director of the Delaware Senior Olympics, caught wind and challenged her to do the triathlon. By now you know she wasn’t going to back down, but the road has not been easy. “Running is still my Achilles heel, no pun intended,” she said with a laugh. “I’m working on that, but at least you can walk to the finish if you have to.” Marie, now 65, will compete in four swimming events and the triathlon in Cleveland. How is she preparing for her new sport? Her matter of fact reply: “I’m going to try a half Iron Man event next month in Cambridge, Maryland.” |
Senior Health and WellnessFishing for Nutrition: Omega-3 Fatty Acids as Brain Food DHA is one of the most prevalent fatty acids in the brain. This could partly explain why our brains do better with a greater supply. A Rush Institute for Healthy Aging study analyzed fish-eating patterns of more than 800 men and women, ages 65 to 94. Those eating fish at least once a week were much less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who turned up their nose at it. Cold water ocean fish are a great supply for DHA, with salmon topping the charts. Ordinary types of cooked salmon contain 500-1500 mg DHA and 300-1000 mg EPA per 100 grams. Additional top fish sources of DHA are tuna, bluefish, mackerel, swordfish, anchovies, herring, sardines, and caviar. Click here for USDA’s Content of DHA and EPA by Fish Species.
NSGA Online Merchandise Store Now OpenGet your Games gear today! Now you can be the first on your block to wear NSGA and 2013 Senior Games gear with the opening of The NSGA Store at With a couple of clicks, you can view and select from the first line of apparel to be made available featuring the official logo of the 2013 Senior Games. More items will be added as the games get closer. Of course, a wide range of merchandise will be available for sale at multiple venues during the games, but you’ll want to grab something early to let everyone know you’re an athlete in the senior games movement. So get in gear now! |