Welcome to the 2022 National Senior Games presented by Humana and “A Reunion For The Ages!” Check out the beautiful torch design!
It’s beach party time! Plan to join other athletes to witness the torch run in at the Flame Arrival Ceremony sponsored by Aviv Clinics. The program begins at 7 pm on Wednesday, May 11, at Las Olas Oceanside Park.
The torch activity will give a nod to the 50th Anniversary of Title IX with several female athletes who were pre-Title IX pioneers among the torch bearers. Prior to the inspiring torch run and cauldron lighting the party will include a drum line, deejay and dance performances.
There will also be an athletic feat performed when Minnesota multisport athlete Andy “Mr. Impossible” Steinfeldt will entertain us with a world record attempt for the side plank, and he will serenade us with a song while doing it!
Best Parking: Click here for location of Las Olas Beach Garage
Who will light the cauldron? Be there, you won’t be disappointed!