Growing Bolder is in the Swim!

Marc Middleton and the Growing Bolder team seem to be everywhere looking for great stories that we will see in the days and months ahead. In this update Marc shares his day and reports about making time to compete in swimming!

Carrying the Torch: Paula Franetti

What does it mean to a native Pittsburgher to carry a torch over the Allegheny River to open the National Senior Games? Paula Franetti says she has dreamed of this and is astonished that it became a reality. What is also astonishing is that she is even alive to do it, as shared in a recent NSGA Athlete of the Month feature. Meet one determined survivor in our series about the people who brought the flame to The Games. Pitt’s David Altman and Isaiah Stewart report.

Big Wheels

You meet people from all walks of life at the 2023 National Senior Games presented by Humana. However, it is extraordinary to find the CEO of your Presenting Sponsor and the CEO of the host organization for The Games gearing up and competing in the 20K Cycling race. Humana’s Bruce Broussard (left, in green uniform) has been leading the health insurance giant since 2013 and enjoyed joining the 60-64 competition in all of the Cycling time trials and road races. Jared Bachar (right) is the CEO of SportsPITTSBURGH and says he is glad he could enter the 50-54 age group for the 20K in his first National Senior Games. 

“It’s great to see athletes in busy leadership positions being role models for staying healthy and living active lives,” commented NSGA Interim CEO Sue Hlavacek. “I think Bruce and Jared discovered that the atmosphere of camaraderie around the National Senior Games is truly unique.”

A Swimming Reunion

When Pittsburgh was announced as the Host City for the 2023 National Senior Games presented by Humana, former Bethel Park High School swim teammates Christine Keisling and Lynn Riggs decided to compete in the Games held in the city they grew up near. Their reunion became even more special when their former coach Georgia Eberhart traveled in to cheer them on after three decades. Andrew Black and Zachary Grabowski caught the embrace.

Volleyball: Staying in the Game

It’s admirable and inspiring to see senior athletes keeping the fire alive and playing sports for many years. Games Daily reporters Maya Valetta and Kanney Wong visited a spirited Volleyball game between the Women’s 75+ Still Diggin' It and MA Confusion to learn what the players are gaining from their longtime participation.

2025 National Senior Games Presented by Humana - July 24 - August 4, 2025 317 Days 23 Hours 35 Minutes 29 Seconds