Terence Purcell, 51 Springfield, Illinois Top Male overall time: 21:59:55 What made you want to try the National Senior Games? “Because I turned 50 last year, and I’m at an age where I’m proud of my age. I heard about the Illinois state senior games through Facebook, I did those and qualified for nationals.” ...

Q&A with 20K Cycling Top Male & Female Finishers Reflect
CYCLING: Simeon Gipson Has a Heart as Big as the Cherokee Nation
In 2020 we introduced you to Oklahoma cyclist Simeon Gipson, who picked up cycling to work his way back to health and away from diabetes and who has become a role model in the Cherokee Nation. (Read his inspiring Personal Best story here.) Since that time, Simeon was given a new racing bike by...
ARCHERY: A Boy Named “Blu” is Just Happy to Keep His Attendance Streak Going
Carrol “Blu” Walsh only discovered archery eight years ago, but the Charlotte resident has quickly become the best in his recurve barebow class in North Carolina senior play and has earned two bronze medals and been close to the podium in National Senior Games since 2013. At 60 Blu found out about organized sports for...
There’s No Crying in Baseball, But There is Laughing in Softball
By Vincent Pensabene The New Jersey Diehards are the quintessential team to represent what the 2022 National Senior Games presented by Humana are all about. They are competing in their third consecutive Games playing men’s softball in the 75+ division. Al Cheli had no issue transitioning to a managerial position for this year’s event as...
FLORIDA FEATURE: Thanks for the Sunshine Stories, Nick!
Editor’s Note: Nick Gandy (on right with athlete Ed Soderberg) does an excellent job as the media director for the Florida Senior Games and was eager to contribute stories about “his people” to the Games Daily. Nick is your typical veteran sports writer, but he’s not burned out or lost his passion for people nor...