MidAmerican Energy Company RecPlex
6500 Grand Ave, West Des Moines, IA 50266

Transportation information for this venue will be updated in Spring 2025.


For detailed information please click here to visit

Soccer Final Daily Schedule - Coming Spring 2025

Updated information on practice availability will be available in Spring 2025.

  1. The number of entries in each division will determine the format of the competition.
  2. Any game missed/forfeited during bracket play will be considered a loss.


  3. Awards will be presented for 1st through 4th place for each event within each age division.


  4. The NSGA and LOC reserve the right to change the tournament format for any age division based on entry numbers, space restrictions, or other circumstance.

Qualifying Rules

  1. For 2025, Soccer event will be classified as an “OPEN Sport”. Teams do not need to qualify at a state qualifier.

Entry Regulations

  1. Teams must be all one gender.


  2. Team rosters shall be limited to 15 persons, including non-playing coaches, non-playing captains and non-playing bench personnel. No players will be added to the roster during the tournament.


  3. Teams are not limited to the number of out-of-state players on their rosters; however, roster changes shall be allowed only as permitted under Rule F. It is the captain’s responsibility to declare team residency subject to NSGA approval, at the time of registration. Team roster participants who are unable to compete may be replaced after the official registration deadline for valid medical reasons only. Determining valid change requests are at the discretion of the NSGA and may be made after the advertised registration deadline.


  4. All registration and team rules apply to non-playing coaches, non-playing captains and non-playing bench personnel.


  5. At the National Senior Games athletes may compete on up to two teams per sport providing that the teams are in different age divisions that are scheduled to play in completely separate sessions.


  6. Age divisions for all team competition will be determined by the age of the youngest team player as of December 31, 2025.

Soccer Rules

Click Here for the Official NSGA Rule Book 


This tournament will be conducted in accordance with the United States Adult Soccer Association rules, except as modified herein.

United States Adult Soccer Association
CEO – Duncan Riddle
7000 S. Harlem Ave.
Bridgeview, IL 60455

Will be updated in the Spring 2025.

Venue Spotlight

MidAmerican Energy Company RecPlex

The MidAmerican Energy Company RecPlex will serve as the largest sports venue for the 2025 National Senior Games presented by Humana. The venue is about 15 minutes from downtown Des Moines in the City of West Des Moines. The RecPlex will house eight sports for the 2025 Games lineup, including: Badminton, Cornhole, Powerlifting, Shuffleboard, Soccer, Table Tennis, Tai Chi and Volleyball.

The venue features four full-size basketball courts, two convertible hockey rinks, three outdoor, full-sized grass soccer fields, one full-size, indoor synthetic turf soccer field and numerous multi-purpose spaces. In addition to sport competitions, the RecPlex will serve as the Athlete Village, which includes athlete check-in, sponsor and exhibitor activation and other activities.

The RecPlex also features free parking with over 1,200 spaces, wireless internet access, full concessions, numerous bathroom and locker room facilities, lounge areas and access to performance and rehabilitation related services at the attached Des Moines University Clinic.

2025 National Senior Games Presented by Humana - July 24 - August 4, 2025 182 Days 12 Hours 29 Minutes 1 Seconds