Athlete Check-In

Athlete Check-In

Athletes are advised to bring the following to on-site athlete check in:

  • Proof of Age
    • Proof of Age (REQUIRED) – Acceptable Proof of Age is Government issued photo ID; e.g. Driver’s License, Passport.
    • Paper or digital copy of the ticket with QR code sent with confirmation email.  The ticket with QR code is not required to check-in but having the QR code will help facilitate a more efficient check-in process.

Location and check-in hours for the 2025 National Senior Games presented by Humana will be available after details are finalized.

All participants are REQUIRED to check-in and pick up their Athlete Credential at Athlete Check-In prior to competition (or practice, if you plan on practicing).  Participants in ALL sports must check-in; no exceptions will be made, even if your event is not being held in the Convention Center. Coaches, spouses, partners or friends may NOT check-in for another athlete.

Athletes will receive athlete credentials, commemorative programs and athlete bags during Athlete Check-In. After the ATHLETE CREDENTIAL has been picked up, you are officially checked-in and can continue with your quest to be named a National Senior Games champion!

Athletes are required to carry their credential at all times and will not be allowed to compete without it. If you lose your credential, you must report it at the Athlete Check-in area to obtain a new one. There will be a charge for a reprint.

Guests/Spectators – All competition is free of charge for guests and spectators.  Guests/spectators do not need to check-in.